A PEEK AT THE FUTURE………………………by: Rodney Kawecki
“The Planets, Stars
and Galaxies are atoms and the Universe is busting at its seams”
The Universe may have not come from a big bang as physicists think !!
Humanoids also known as
earthlings accumulated as a species some four billion years ago physicists
believe. But is also recognized that the planet earth itself is only four
billion years in age and as such our species seems to be confused as being the
same age as the planet itself. History does this to us as a species. History is
not all magnified on a definite scale and this goes a long with the age of the
universe as well. The universe is measured to be thirteen billion years old
itself. We review the facts that follow about our universe and discover that
science believes everything formed from empty nothingness. What is called a
“primeval atom” exploded and the universe was born.
We look at another theory about
the universe and discover from what arrived out of the primeval atom theory was
the big bang event. This is the explosion that occurred from the critical mass
of the highly dense primeval atom. We look up into the night sky and discover
we are actually looking backwards in time. That everything we see at a distance
happen eight minutes ago in the past. The reason is because it takes light the
primeval constant to arrive to planet earth. Light is called primeval because
it enlightened the dark universe in the beginning and is the first light of the
So we look into the past as we
look into the night lighten darken sky. Everything we see comes from the past
history of our universe. If we were able to travel at great astronomical
velocities through space we would travel into the past as well. Everything we
travel towards happened eight minutes ago based on the primeval constant. The
only way we can travel at a specific minute of time based on our planets second
hand on our clock is to have the ability to travel light speed. The primeval
constant becomes traveling at a velocity where time calculates instantaneous
with modern earth time units we live by here on earth. The clocks on our ship’s
computer correspond with time clocks we have here on earth – so nothing changes
historically clock wise.
We can travel anywhere in the
universe and the time it takes to get there as well as the time it measures on
earth stay the same – nothing time wise changes. Velocity seems to be the most
motivating measurable reading devise known in the cosmos. If we travel slower
than our primeval constant we arrive at our destination slower than we would if
we traveled faster. Instead of the journey taking one hour it takes two hours.
If we travel faster than the primeval constant we arrive to our destination
faster and nothing changes we just get there earlier because we travel at a
faster speed. We look at the theory of time consistent with everyday life here
on earth. We observe the fact that time is the same no matter where you are in
the universe if you choose to calculate it in accordance with earth’s planet
clock system. We look at the eight minutes our humanoid imagery reflects when
we look out into space but they are only views they hold no real entanglement
with events therefore nothing changes because of it.
We cannot based traveling into
the past or the future on an assumption that is defined by a scale mechanism
made by the humanoid arts and measurements because they only measure the length
of things and have nothing to do to what caused the event – therefore time is an
illusion of speculator length and distance and has no real weight to universe
historical events except the time that they occurred. We travel eight minutes faster than it takes
light to reach earth and nothing changes. This is the fact of speculums’ (mirror
or reflective surface in optical instruments) the change of events due to late
imagery transmissions.
The big bang may have not happen
at all. More like galaxies inhabit their existence independently in smaller
little galactic explosion s that come from a foreign dark star visible to the
naked eye and hyper- scope imagery. The birth of the universe could have come
in a slower exhibit of events. Logic conveys to us that there exist smaller
fish in the sea and that everything doesn’t have to come from a totality
singularity. Manifestation of a much larger star hidden in darkness evolving
and at a much earlier age of the universe’s existence may inherit smaller black
stars, black holes that may or may not exist and all came from a frozen shut dark
star large enough that it burst bubble inhabitations called cosmic eggs or
embryus celestials that physical elements were frozen shut by the primeval cold
vapors of the primeval dark fabric of space. Smaller galactic bangs exhibit the
molding hot element inside the dark star universe crest frozen by a rush of
inverse-inflation forming the universal bubble warping of space. Hubble
Universe theory explains a universe clouded with galactic debris surrounding an
inflation bubble as it continually expands. What Hubble volume is defined as a
volume of the universe has a comoving size of c/H0. The exact definition
varies: it is sometimes defined as the volume
of a sphere with radius c/H0, or alternatively, a cube of side c/H0. Some cosmologists even use the term Hubble
volume to refer to the volume of the
observable universe without reference to that which is not observable,
although it has a radius approximately three times larger. (In standard
cosmology, comoving distance and proper distance are two closely related
distance measures used by cosmologists to define distances between objects.
Proper distance roughly corresponds to where a distant object would be at a
specific moment of cosmological time, which can change over time due to the
expansion of the universe. Comoving distance factors out the expansion of the
universe, giving a distance that does not change in time due to the expansion
of space (though this may change due to other, local factors such as the motion
of a galaxy within a cluster). Comoving distance and proper distance are
defined to be equal at the present time).
The comoving time coordinate is
the elapsed time since the Big Bang according to a clock may occur through the universe’s expansion into
the higher latitude flowing higher towards its event horizon. The comoving
volume VC is the volume in which the number densities of non-evolving objects
locked into the Hubble flow are constant with redshift. It is the proper volume
times three factors of the relative scale factor from the present epoch to the
time at redshift z, or (1 + z) 3. It can be thought of as the cosmological
volume with the expansion of the Universe factored out, i.e. the comoving
volume defined by a fixed set of objects remains constant, and is useful in
cosmological calculations.
In the earliest days of the 16th
century we the research of how and why objects celestial and abroad maintained
a specific balance of activity which is now known as the theory of gravitation.
We studied the broad celestial motion of gravity and the closer activity of
gravity of our own planet’s surface activity of it. In 1904 Albert Einstein
acknowledged a discovery about space which is now founded as the fabric of
space by which at the celestial scale planets and stars along with the larger
galaxies lay abroad on top of it in a specific design he called flat space.
Since the universe spins as do
all the other common celestial bodies of the universe science was lead to
believe that the universe acted as a disk plate that rotated and orbited in the
same fashion as the smaller celestial bodies that resided within it. The
universe spins dragging along with it all the other debris in a designated
cycle where inside the larger galaxies solar systems and star systems retain
the same pattern impressing themselves deep in this dark fabric we know as
In 1776 English declared the
fashion that the world was flat also and sent ship’s to discover whether or not
one would fall off some far away edge of the world’s flat surface plain. He
didn’t and the idea about our planet changed. The world is round the people
claimed. When we view these same types of ideas about space we view space as
being flatland in the same fashion as the English in the early times of the
seventh century. Erwin Hubble discovered in the early twentieth century along
with Einstein that it’s possible that the universe acts like a balloon and is
expanding at its wits end and proclaimed that the universe was indeed
expanding. Likewise our own view of our own planet looks at its surface edge
towards an horizon flat but we do know now that it’s not.
Our universe may take on the same
characteristics as this short story about the celestial plain and both are
true. The earth is flat to the sight of the eye but is round in characteristic
as the English believed centuries before. Studies in the field of science have
leaded us to an era testing our ability to decipher whether or not a ship can
travel faster than light. My own ideas on this are it can and my books are
based on those facts that arise from that evidence. Indeed outer space is a
flatland but reviewing the aspects as it show that that invisible harden yet
real fabric the planets and galaxies lay and wobble on is too great to
penetrate and believe a spacecraft can maneuver and drive a ship through a
wormhole to shortcut a distance to a nearby star.
With that in mind I view our
universe amongst others that probably exist in the infinite space field in its
vast coldness where atoms materialized from a deeply depressed invisible shape
from the middle of a vast sphere orbital circular in forensic mass creates
eruption of stressed compressive allusive liquid from inside it rips and pushes
its way outside of it at its weakest fabric ends fusing at galactic intervals
over time displaying a material spread of atomical clusteric, nebulic and
galaxy matter from inside revealing the presence of a gigantic celestial type
universe hidden amidst the dark shadows of space itself. is a repulsive force
at both the celestial planetary and galactic scale as well as the intermediate
planetary surface scales abiding by the same rules of gravitation throughout
the universe gaseous and alike. Alike or similar chemistry matter made of atoms
at the celestial planetary scale repel because they are made of similar matter.
It is this process that calculates the distance between all the celestial
spheres galaxies, stars and planets and is measured relative to their size
masses. The planetary gravity forces at planet surfaces makes the similar
celestial energy from the planet itself push back outwards objects falling
towards its surface natively called free falling masses and is calibrated by
the planets repulsive energy mass the same resistance which creates the
distances between the stars and planets at the celestial but pushes free
falling objects and is called ‘free falling resistance’. It is the similarity
in an objects chemistry mass and solidity that the resistance occurs as a
gravity force and which at a planet’s atmosphere and pressure density that a
planets dominion deciphers a specific free fall velocity as in Newton’ gravity
measurements. An object falling towards a planets surface no matter what its
size or mass will always fall towards the planet’s surface at the same velocity
9.8 meters per second as the dominion repulsive gravity energy is what acts as
the dominion force that governs all objects entering it atmosphere falling from
inside it or intruding it from outer space. Escape velocity or 11,000 miles an
hour acts as a velocity to measure the atmosphere compression sealed inside the
earth’s atmosphere between it and space and is depressed by the planets
elliptical path which acts to seal the planets nature environment. Where
gravity pushes against the incoming weight of the object free fall the planet’s
atmosphere determines and calibrates the objects chemistry mass and weight as
it slowly comes to rest on the planet’s surface.
The Elements of
Repulsive Universe Gravity
The Universe is commonly defined as the
totality of existence, including planets, stars, and galaxies, the contents of
intergalactic space, and all matter and energy. Similar terms include the
cosmos, the world and nature. The observable universe is about 46 billion light
years in radius. Scientific observation of the Universe has led to inferences
of its earlier stages. These observations suggest that the Universe has been
governed by the same physical laws and constants throughout most of its extent and
history. The Big Bang theory is the prevailing cosmological model that
describes the early development of the Universe, which is calculated to have
begun 13.798 ± 0.037 billion years ago. Observations have shown that the
Universe appears to be expanding at an accelerating rate. There are many competing theories about the
ultimate fate of the universe. Physicists remain unsure about what, if anything
preceded the Big Bang. Many refuse to speculate, doubting that any information
from any such prior state could ever be accessible. There are various
multiverse hypotheses, in which physicists have suggested that the Universe
might be one among many universes that likewise exist.
Two positively charged wires set
a part across from each other. Where the power of both wires is turned off –
one wire is connected to the other and the energy will pass through both wires
to a single end and that end will have electrical current. If the same two
wires similar in positive electricity are separated as in the first paragraph I
explained to you are touched at their ends – what will happen? There will be a
spark. The two wires do not attract as relativity theory persist they spark
proving resistance to each other. Planetary celestials are all similar
planetary objects thus it would stand to reason that they would naturally repel
but unlike Isaac Newton’s theory on gravity they attract each other. The
theories you will soon engage into and read explains gravity in the opposing
trait and are projected with the affirmative theory that like particles and
energies repel and do not attract. This new theory discovered by Rodney Kawecki
was a lifelong research about space, time gravity and the velocity of light
which Kawecki persist that a mass without reference that ‘light’ travels at a
consistent velocity that relativity perceives as a speed limit but more so that
‘mass’ can travel faster than light based on the capacity of its proportion
value to do so. Unlike a light beam which Albert Einstein perceives as a
spacecraft – he limited the velocity of travel on a light value rather than
using a ‘mass’ determination. ‘Light’ is not a very good example that explains
the proportion capacity of a material mass
spacecraft – more so it is just a beam of light and not a maneuverable
ship traveling through the cosmos. Kawecki has developed a new theory on
gravity that explains the ability not only to travel faster than the Einstein
Light Beam but also the value and activity of gravity in space but also the
gravity realm that sustains a planet, star or galaxy.
Two similar magnetics like energy
or electricity repel because they are similar the same. Unlike poles attract.
Isaac Newton in 1667 and Albert Einstein 1904 agreed over this dialogue that
like matter attract and based their theories on it. Newton said ‘gravity’
attracts. Einstein said energy attracts (energy-masses) star energy and the
celestial like. Modern physics tells us like energetic materials don’t attract
but repel so the question is asked “Who is right”? Quanta Physics and the developer
of this new insight and theory about earth gravity and space travel asserts the
opposing model that like energies repel and do not attract as earlier
physicists foretell. The indifferences in free fall in a spheres atmosphere are
measured by the specific twist and velocity of the earth’s rotation. A small
object size-mass may curve as it falls but is directed by the planets invisible
atmosphere pressure the planet weaves and layers as it spins at 18.5 miles each
second and that minimizes how fast an object will fall at 9.8 meters per
second. The force of gravity is
universal. It is the greatest distance between celestial body’s throughout
space and the shortest distance between molecular spins whose nucleus acts by a
divine nature scientist yet know a lot about. Gravity is the shortest area by
which a planet lays upon a dark element that lays between all material entities
throughout the universe. It acts in
proportion with the celestial sphere’s size mass and calculates the distance
between the stars, planets and galaxies across the cosmos that lay upon this
dark element that stretches, curves, bends and clumps around them. This dark element is the only substance yet
not detectable by any scientific means to define it but of which the earliest
physicists call ‘Gravity”. Gravity acts
in tune with our universe’s angular motion impressing in it gigantic celestials
created as matter manifested by what we call the Big Bang. As the celestial
sphere’s, stars and galaxy’s orbit and rotate with a universe momentum a
loitering dark fabric acts in absorbing the pushing against the universe
movement cycle. Aside from being a
motionless, undetectable useable substance that is only observable by the
activity it resends. The Fifth Element exists only as an active rippling grid
because of the planetary activity that resides within it. It is the actions of the planetary cycles
that make the fabric element respond.
Between molecular orbits and
sparticle movements at the atomic level of things this fabric sits as a zero
point energy action ground and resistance substance. It’s the empty space between energy particles
and keeps the molecular structure entangled between the formal responding
deities. Inside the universe its galaxy’s solar star systems lay separated from
star-dominion that would otherwise cause them to collapse inward towards the
central-dominion body but are pushed away due to the great spin of the
universe’s outer edge. The dark disk swirls yet the length of the universe is
27 billion years across rotating at light velocity in a circular motion. Using
deciphers age mathematics the swirl or rotation of our universe makes up the
distance of 27 billion years from edge to edge across not 13.5 billion years
measured by some physicists from a specific single point of origin in space and
or age as modern day physicists’ today omen probability of arriving from
Hyperspace is a method of
traveling sometimes used in science fiction. It is typically described as an
alternative region of space co-existing with our own universe which may be
entered using an energy field or other device. Travel in hyperspace is
frequently depicted as faster-than-light travel in normal space.
Astronomical distances and the
impossibility of faster-than-light travel pose a challenge to most
science-fiction authors. They can be dealt with in several ways: accept them as
such (hibernation, slow boats, generation ships, time dilation - the crew will
perceive the distance as much shorter and thus flight time will be short from
their perspective), find a way to move faster than light (warp drive),
"fold" space to achieve instantaneous translation (e.g. the Dune
universe's Holtzman effect), access some sort of shortcut (wormholes), or
sidestep the problem in an alternate space: hyperspace.
Hyperspace is sometimes used to enable and
explain faster than light (FTL) travel in science fiction stories where FTL is
necessary for interstellar travel or intergalactic travel. Spacecraft able to
use hyperspace for FTL travel are sometimes said to have a hyper drive.
In normal 3-D space, the "shortest path" between two events A
and B is by traveling in a straight line. Because of relativity, there is no
such thing as universal time: so let the time be measured with respect to a
clock whose motion matches the space-time path. Call this space-time path
"P". Then the shortest path in space is simply the path in space
traced by the space-time path P.
In strict mathematical terms, it
may be impossible to define such a path, along which matter can travel.
However, it usually is possible to find an infinite sequence of paths that converge
uniformly to some limit, which is, some "limiting" path. Of course,
under relativity, matter may not be able to travel along this limiting path,
but light can travel along this path. In fact, the path of the light beam from
A to B is the theoretical limit. No ship in normal space could follow the path
of light in 4-D space time, but it can get arbitrarily close (until the energy
required to go any faster exceeds the energy available).
This path (or limiting path) may
not be unique: there may be many "shortest paths." Also, no path may
exist; for example, suppose A lies in a black hole and B lies outside the black
hole—since nothing can exit a black hole; such a path would not exist. Finally,
because of general relativity, this path is not a "straight line" in
the strict Euclidean sense, but is "curved." For example, if we aimed
a rocket at the Moon traveling near the speed of light, the shortest path to
the Moon is still a curved path. In fact, even if we aimed a photon of light at
the Moon, it will follow a curved path, since gravity bends all things. The
space along which the photon travels is, in fact, curved because gravity curves
space itself. Just like traveling along the surface of water; if the surface of
the water is swelled in a wave, then it would still be possible to travel in a
straight line through the water (traveling underneath the wave,) but it would
require more effort than just traveling along the curved surface of the water.
It is still possible to travel in a straight line to the Moon, yet since the
curved light beam is the best, the curved path close to this beam (following
the path of the curved space) is better than the straight path. This is because
the light beam is technically actually traveling in a straight line, relative
to the curved space it is traveling in, but the space itself is curved, so it
appears to an outside observer that the light beam is traveling in a curved
line. Of course, if we take energy expenditures into account, then the minimum
energy paths are just transfer orbits and gravity boosts that Earth space
agencies predominantly use although these are not 'fast'.
In Quanta Physics Hyperspace Theory space
is divided into two plains of existence. The first plain is the
three-dimensional plain we all see on a daily basis. We look around us and into
the blue sky and see a beautiful mirage of three-dimensional space a clear
colorful void. When we look at this beautiful
void on earth’s surface we see through a divine presence and gravity that helps
hold us to the planet’s surface. We look further into outer space above the
clouds and review the scientific study of what we know as empty space. We look further into the distance and the
stars and we observe a scientific study known as relativity that tells us that
all the planets, stars and galaxies are all embedded individually or as group
masses deeply impressed in a fabric of the dark space we thought was completely
empty void.
We now observe and rely on the fact that celestial impressions are
deeply impressed obstacles bending and stretching empty space. Physicists have
always believed that space was an empty void that heavy planets might be just
floating around in gaseous ether called space but we discovered later this was
not the fact. That heavy celestial bodies the planets and stars all shank into
what we viewed as empty space to retain their position. Because of planets and
stars and groups of these celestials all were embedded in the space we know as
a fabric that even the heaviest galaxies all maintained a place in the heavens.
We look at the soils of our own planet
earth and view the highlights of the close cosmos the planets and stars all lay
a long a specific group line in space. Space also known in physics as Dirac’s
sea is the existence of all the planets and stars and groups of galaxies lying across
a cosmic expression that as a whole universe in motion is what allows all the
matter in it to impress them deep in the cosmic soil fabric. We don’t see the
movement of the planets and stars as they rotate all as a singularity all at
once and all together but we do see individual small groups and independent
planets orbitrate and rotate. As the
massive planetary matter scattered all over exist as a whole the deep galactic
bodies all rotate as the universe orbitrate into motion. In our earth’s atmosphere gravity holds
everything to the surface as above its atmosphere cosmic layers of galactic
matter in the form of galaxies move like a solid planetary deity. We can review space as a layer of matter lying
impressed in the fabric of space by the universe force and momentum. But as we
do or if we do look at space in this way we discover that if all the galactic
mass is layered deeply embedded forming a tension in the fabric of space we can
look at the empty void or space that lays above the celestial matter crescent where
empty space exist and acts as distance between these gigantic masses as a layer
of what I call “Hyperspace”.
This definition of hyperspace doesn’t
coincide with other definitions given in physics to be higher-dimensional space
or the existence of parallel universe’s based on the idea that small electrons
or neutron’s under a microscope are not directly measureable as they seem from
place to place. We can more directly believe that these actions can possibly be
accounted for by their energies pulsating jumping around due to the more deeply
embedded same fabric that the planets lay impressed at the molecular level of
the space fabric act by cause and effect as they move by a universal momentum
throughout the cosmos as a whole that affects everything that exist in it. Hyperspace by this definition is than an
empty voided space that layers above the fabric galactic terrain of infinite
mass matter that exist throughout space the empty space field than acts as the
soiling dominion ground for all that exists in the cosmos and from which all
matter resides as a whole.
Theory of How the Universe began
Almost 14 billion years ago, the universe
we inhabit burst into existence in an extraordinary event that initiated the
Big Bang. In the first fleeting fraction of a second, the universe expanded
exponentially, stretching far beyond the view of today's best telescopes. All
this, of course, has just been theory.
The detection of gravitational waves by the
BICEP2 experiment at the South Pole supports the cosmic inflation theory of how
the universe came to be. The discovery, made in part by Assistant Professor Chao-Lin
Kuo, supports the theoretical work of Stanford's Andrei Linde.
Researchers from the BICEP2 collaboration today announced the first
direct evidence supporting this theory, known as "cosmic inflation."
Their data also represent the first images of gravitational waves, or ripples
in space-time. These waves have been described as the "first tremors of
the Big Bang." Finally, the data confirm a deep connection between quantum
mechanics and general relativity.
"This is the first direct image of gravitational waves, or ripples
in space-time across the primordial sky, and verified a theory about the
creation of the whole universe," said Chao-Lin Kuo, an assistant professor
of physics at Stanford and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, and a co-leader
of the BICEP2 collaboration.
These groundbreaking results came from
observations by the BICEP2 telescope of the cosmic microwave background – a
faint glow left over from the Big Bang. Tiny fluctuations in this afterglow
provide clues to conditions in the early universe. For example, small
differences in temperature across the sky show where parts of the universe were
denser, eventually condensing into galaxies and galactic clusters.
Because the cosmic microwave background
is a form of light, it exhibits all the properties of light, including
polarization. On Earth, sunlight is scattered by the atmosphere and becomes
polarized, which is why polarized sunglasses help reduce glare. In space, the
cosmic microwave background was scattered by atoms and electrons and became
polarized too.
"The team hunted for a special type of polarization called
'B-modes,' which represents a twisting or 'curl' pattern in the polarized
orientations of the ancient light," said BICEP2 co-leader Jamie Bock, a
professor of physics at Caltech and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).
Gravitational waves squeeze space as they
travel, and this squeezing produces a distinct pattern in the cosmic microwave
background. Gravitational waves have a "handedness," much like light
waves, and can have left- and right-handed polarizations.
"The swirly B-mode pattern
is a unique signature of gravitational waves because of their handedness,"
Kuo said.
The team examined spatial scales on the sky spanning about 1 to 5
degrees (two to 10 times the width of the full moon). To do this, they set up
an experiment at the South Pole to take advantage of its cold, dry, stable air,
which allows for crisp detection of faint cosmic light.
"The South Pole is the closest you can
get to space and still be on the ground," said BICEP2 co-principal investigator
John Kovac, an associate professor of astronomy and physics at
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, who led the deployment and science
operation of the project. "It's one of the driest and clearest locations
on Earth, perfect for observing the faint microwaves from the Big Bang."
The researchers were surprised to detect a
B-mode polarization signal considerably stronger than many cosmologists
expected. The team analyzed their data for more than three years in an effort
to rule out any errors. They also considered whether dust in our galaxy could
produce the observed pattern, but the data suggest this is highly unlikely.
"This has been like looking for a
needle in a haystack, but instead we found a crowbar," said co-leader Clem
Pryke, an associate professor of physics and astronomy at the University of
Physicist Alan Guth formally proposed
inflationary theory in 1980, when he was a postdoctoral scholar at SLAC, as a
modification of conventional Big Bang theory. Instead of the universe beginning
as a rapidly expanding fireball, Guth theorized that the universe inflated
extremely rapidly from a tiny piece of space and became exponentially larger in
a fraction of a second. This idea immediately attracted lots of attention because
it could provide a unique solution to many difficult problems of the standard
Big Bang theory.
However, as Guth, who is now a professor of
physics at MIT, immediately realized, certain predictions in his scenario
contradicted observational data. In the early 1980s, Russian physicist Andrei
Linde modified the model into a concept called "new inflation" and
again to "eternal chaotic inflation," both of which generated
predictions that closely matched actual observations of the sky.
Linde, now a professor of physics at
Stanford, could not hide his excitement about the news. "These results are
a smoking gun for inflation, because alternative theories do not predict such a
signal," he said. "This is something I have been hoping to see for 30
BICEP2's measurements of inflationary gravitational waves are an
impressive combination of theoretical reasoning and cutting-edge technology.
Stanford's contribution to the discovery extends beyond Kuo, who designed the
polarization detectors. Kent Irwin, a professor of physics at Stanford and
SLAC, also conducted pioneering work on superconducting sensors and readout
systems used in the experiment. The research also involved several researchers,
including Kuo, affiliated with the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics
and Cosmology (KIPAC), which is supported by Stanford, SLAC and the Kavli
BICEP2 is the second stage of a
coordinated program, the BICEP and Keck Array experiments, which has a
co-principal investigator structure. The four PIs are Jamie Bock (Caltech/JPL,)
John Kovac (Harvard), Chao-Lin Kuo (Stanford/SLAC) and Clem Pryke (UMN). All
have worked together on the present result, along with talented teams of
students and scientists. Other major collaborating institutions for BICEP2
include the University of California, San Diego; University of British
Columbia; National Institute of Standards and Technology; University of
Toronto; Cardiff University; and Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique.
BICEP2 is funded by the National Science
Foundation (NSF). NSF also runs the South Pole Station where BICEP2 and the
other telescopes used in this work are located. The Keck Foundation also
contributed major funding for the construction of the team's telescopes. NASA,
JPL and the Moore Foundation generously supported the development of the
ultra-sensitive detector arrays that made these measurements possible.
The theory on inflation and gravity waves
in space-time are overwhelming when it comes to scientific research about the
universe’s beginnings. The idea that the universe inflated from a very small
area of space and inflated to an extreme size mass allowing matter to develop
what we know and what we don’t know about the universe is very much still out
there though. We observe a gigantic universe with an abundance of matter and
still don’t know where it all came from. The facts don’t conclude the findings.
In Quanta Physics we observe the same inflationary stronghold of a universe
that slowly evolved through cosmic inflation that thermalizes that behind the
dark fabric something special exist. In quanta Physics the shaping of the
universe beginnings is the evaluation of a celestial sphere that
reverse-inflationary tremors space-time when it entered into and formed a field
density which gravity waves exist in space by The inflationary period was
developed by the cosmic inflation caused by immature celestial matter reaching
a maturity state which directed the Interpol’s of light to twist as spoke about
in this article. Reverse inflation is the activity of space forming a vacuum by
a physical change in cosmic gravitation. A large deity surrendered and before
it could heat into an infinite ball of fire was slowly temporized by the cold
empty space, this activity caused cosmic background light radiation to twist
and curl and formed the first expansion of space to elevate the purity of a
distil empty space we still know little about.
Like all celestial matter planetary and
galactic there exists a gravity well matter shrinks in illustrating its
physical distinction as a separate entity of the space. Its depression causes
space to make it twist into a space curvature dwelling described as
reverse-inflation. Chaotic inflation theory centers on the idea that our
universe is one of many that has grown out of a never-ending sort of parent
universe. The general idea is that our cosmos is just one part of an unlimited
multiverse in which universes constantly spawn new universes.
When we review the idea about multiverse
theory we should also look behind that which creates a deep separation in the
fabric itself physicist call space-time. It illustrates that there also existed
indifference in the chemistry of matter and space that shows matter assorted
through a different means than the big bang theory. We look at space as we peek
through the deepen fabric peek hole enlightened by the other side. From a very
small peek hole inflation formed as cosmic radiation in the formation of light
entered the emptied cosmos. At the center of these type of formations there
always lays an empty black hole the idea is whether or not what we observe to
be black holes at the center of these celestials small of universal are
actually black holes or could the by the reverse-inflationary peek holes we
observe as dark black stars.
A Century after Einstein’s discovery, only
those who do not accept the final equations spend time on the mass transforms.
And they do not attempt to clarify Einstein’s mistakes. Rather, they present a
variant math that makes more sense to them. Some of these variant math’s have a
certain validity, but I believe that none will be looked at seriously until
Einstein’s math is proven to be false. That is what my paper does. A
falsification of Einstein’s algebra will be a falsification of the entire
higher math’s that rest upon it.
Einstein’s paper is a compound—and
sometimes compensation—of several basic algebraic errors. Although in the body
of the paper I will prove these errors exhaustively, here I will just gloss
them. Firstly, he incorrectly applies his time transform gamma to the planes of
light. Secondly, he misapplies the term m0c2 at the end of the derivation,
giving it to the body rather than to the planes of light. This is difficult to
understand, since the final equation contains the variable L, which he has
explicitly given to the light. Despite these two errors Einstein arrives at a
transform that is very nearly correct. That transform is again gamma.
Einstein then solves down from this energy
transform to find a mass transform, which is likewise gamma. But in this case
he is wholly mistaken: his misassignment of variables has cost him needed
clarity, and gamma is not even an approximation of the correct mass transform.
This mistake has rarely been seen, since in experimental situations mass is
always calculated from energy equations. In working with subatomic particles,
for instance, the naked mass transform equation is never used. Values are
arrived at from energy equations. As I said, Einstein's energy equation is
almost correct. The term for gamma is
γ = 1
√1 - (v2/c2)]
I will prove that by correcting the
math, the energy transform for Einstein's problem is actually kappa
κ = 1 + [v'2/(2c2 + cv' - v'2)]
ET = moc2[1 + (v’/2c)]
[1 – (v’2/c2)]
In deriving this new transform I also
discovered several other facts of great interest. One of these is that E ≠ mc2.
If we assume that the rest energy is given
by the rest mass—as in Er = mrc2—then the moving energy cannot be given by the
moving mass, in a straight equation. A transform is required here as well, and
it is not gamma. This is a consequence of Einstein's own variable assignments.
Einstein assumed, with no theoretical or mathematical backup, that mc2 must be
the term that is applied to the final energy E. It turns out that this is not
the case.
Even more astonishing is that using my new
derivation, where all the variables are rigorously assigned, I am able to prove
that the classical equation is precisely equivalent to the relativistic
equation. In other words,
K = κmrc2 - mrc2 = mv2/2
Simply by correcting the math of Einstein's
own thought problem, I arrive at a new energy transform κ that is nearly
equivalent to γ. This new transform allows me to derive the classical equation
directly, by a straight substitution. In doing so, I prove that the classical
equation is not an approximation at low speeds, as has always been assumed. It
is an exact equation. The binomial expansion of the differential in gamma is a
manufactured proof, since gamma itself does not exist as a correct transform in
any part of Special Relativity.
If you insert m0c2 into the last equation
above, as Einstein did later and as history still does, this implies that L =
m0c2. Not E0 but L. In the beginning of the equations, E0 is assumed to be the
rest energy of the particle. At the end, Einstein and history have assigned
m0c2 to E0. But according to these equations, L = m0c2. That is, m0c2 is not
the rest energy before or after the emission of the light, it is the change in
rest energy. It is the energy equivalence of the planes of light.
You may say that the situation is different when Einstein expressly
assigns m0c2* to the rest energy. In that problem ("Dynamics of the Slowly
Accelerated Electron," last part of section 10 of On the Electrodynamics
of Moving Bodies, 1905) he applies a force from an electrostatic field, taking
the electron from rest to v. There is no L involved.
No, there is not. But the situation is directly analogous, otherwise how
could it yield the exact same equation? In it, the electron starts at rest with
a given energy. Let us call it E0 again, as above. If we apply all the electric
force at the first instant, to complete the analogy to the light planes being
emitted, then we can follow the problem in the same way, without calculus.** The
body reaches v instantaneously, and we want to know how much energy it has
gained from the force. Einstein has his electron accelerate slowly, but that is
only to avoid giving off radiation. That is, it is an experimental concern, not
a theoretical concern.
D = the energy gained from the
electrical force
E0 = E1 - D
Einstein says the field imparts a velocity
to the electron. So the electron is now the moving body. Let us assign it to B,
the observer being at rest in A. It is the electron that is moving, not us. It
would be even more precise to say that the electron is B. It is not moving in
B; it is the system B itself.
H0 = H1 - bD where b is the
transformation term.
But, the electron starts at rest
relative to A and B, therefore H0 = E0
K1 - K0 = H1 - E1 - (H0 - E0) =
H1 - E1
But K0 = 0 since the electron has no
kinetic energy at rest in both systems. So:
K1 = H1 - E1
= H0 + bD - (E0 + D)
K1 = bD - Distance
The kinetic energy is equal to the total
energy measured from a distance minus the total energy measured from the body.
And this is the energy taken from the field as measured from A minus the energy
taken from the field as measured by B. This is precisely equivalent to the
example with the light planes—substituting D for L—except that in one the body
(the electron) is the moving system and is gaining energy, and in the other the
body is the at-rest system and is the loss of energy. Bodies at rest don’t gain
energy (kinetic) it sits relative to not being in motion. Kinetic energy
appears when the body attains motion where its rest energy becomes affected
into active kinetic polarity when it accelerates.
We can look at kinetic energy increases in
a moving body as the effect of exterior attractive energy in an atmosphere such
like the effects on the body by earth’s gravity. If there exist external energy
to cause chaotic activity in a body’s rest mass quantity there will be no rise
in kinetic energy in the body. In space where the atmosphere is empty of
gradual-energy or a continuum energy source that exist outside a bodies shell
little to no kinetic energy can result I the mass.
The content of for a special type of
polarization called 'B-modes,' which represents a twisting or 'curl' pattern in
the polarized orientations of the ancient light Gravitational waves squeeze
space as they travel, and this squeezing produces a distinct pattern in the
cosmic microwave background. The theory on inflation and gravity waves in
space-time are overwhelming the idea that the universe inflated from a very
small area of space and inflated to an extreme size mass allowing matter to
develop the cosmic microwave background is a form of light, it exhibits all the
properties of light, including polarization. On Earth, sunlight is scattered by
the atmosphere and becomes polarized, which is why polarized sunglasses help
reduce glare. In space, the cosmic microwave background was scattered by atoms
and electrons and became polarized too. Gravitational waves squeeze space as
they travel, and this squeezing produces a distinct pattern in the fabric this
is why galactic and planetary bodies in space impress curvatures in space.
We review the idea that cosmic B-mode
polarization is what allows us to detect gravity waves in space as they move. It
is also believed these cosmic microwave background energies Gravitational waves
have a "handedness," much like light waves, and can have left- and
right-handed polarizations that create galactic and planet rotation but when we
review the Guth warp drive theory on space acceleration The Alcubierre Warp
Drive original model. It is this mechanism that motivated Alcubierre (1994) to
construct a metric that employed inflation to allow an observer to traverse
vast distances in arbitrary times by riding inside a ‘warp sphere.’ The benefit
of employing inflation is that one never violates the speed of light locally,
one merely rides space itself to achieve the desired result of getting to Alpha
Centauri in less than four Earth years. Now time for some bad news the
Alcubierre model requires negative energy, which is obviously not your typical
garden variety matter that you can pick up at the grocery store in the
boson/lepton aisle.
But without making a discreet argument
about Alcubierre warp drive we should review the fact that space does act as a
rippling substance. That a highly accelerating spacecraft traveling at speeds
close to light speed will still in fact create a pushing down of the fabric of
space that allows a accelerating raising wave to be formed at the back of the
model. Looking at the fact that lack of any opposing force like gravity will
act on the model – the ship’s velocity can be superluminally theorized there’s
nothing to slow the ships speed.
What we should look at in this theory is
whether ot not the space fabric will actually continue and curve over on itself
and at what velocity this might occur. We look at space as a flatland with
parables that the faster a ship travels the more chaotic affects opposes its
directive. We review Quanta Physics and we discover that the Alcubierre bubble
warp drive will travel deeper and deeper into the space vacuum and to any
degree how much stress it would take to form a fabric space tension like the
curvatures planets form on space by curving it. How deep is the vacuum of space
– we know its deep enough that gigantic planets like Neptune and Jupiter remain
subtle and in position without creating uniformities in their gravity wells but
my problem with gravity wells is that at the peak of all the planets exist an
open terrain of open space that a ship traveling from a planet’s surface
travels sideways into the planet curvature top travel pass it towards some
other planet or star.
The celestial angular-rhythm measures how
deep a celestial will lay in the fabricated space tension tiling so to think
the idea that a bubble will occur due to ships acceleration seem illogical at
this time.
Massless particles
Massless particles have zero rest mass. Their relativistic mass is
simply their relativistic energy, divided by c2, or m (relativistic) = E/c2.
The energy for photons is E = hf where h is Planck's constant and f is the
photon frequency. This frequency and thus the relativistic energy are
If an observer runs away from a photon in the direction it travels from
a source, having it catch up with the observer, then when the photon catches up
it will be seen as having less energy than it had at the source. The faster the
observer is traveling with regard to the source when the photon catches up, the
less energy the photon will have. As an observer approaches the speed of light
with regard to the source, the photon looks redder and redder, by relativistic
Doppler effect (the Doppler shift is the relativistic formula), and the energy
of a very long-wavelength photon approaches zero. This is why a photon is
massless; this means that the rest mass of a photon is zero.
Massless particles contribute
rest mass and invariant mass to systems
Two photons moving in different directions cannot both be made to have
arbitrarily small total energy by changing frames, or by moving toward or away
from them. The reason is that in a two-photon system, the energy of one photon
is decreased by chasing after it, but the energy of the other will increase
with the same shift in observer motion. Two photons not moving in the same
direction will exhibit an inertial frame where the combined energy is smallest,
but not zero. This is called the center of mass frame or the center of momentum
frame; these terms are almost synonyms (the center of mass frame is the special
case of a center of momentum frame where the center of mass is put at the
origin). The most that chasing a pair of photons can accomplish to decrease
their energy is to put the observer in frame where the photons have equal
energy and are moving directly away from each other. In this frame, the
observer is now moving in the same direction and speed as the center of mass of
the two photons. The total momentum of the photons is now zero, since their
momentums are equal and opposite. In this frame the two photons, as a system,
have a mass equal to their total energy divided by c2. This mass is called the
invariant mass of the pair of photons together. It is the smallest mass and
energy the system may be seen to have, by any observer. It is only the
invariant mass of a two-photon system that can be used to make a single
particle with the same rest mass.
If the photons are formed by the collision
of a particle and an antiparticle, the invariant mass is the same as the total
energy of the particle and antiparticle (their rest energy plus the kinetic
energy), in the center of mass frame, where they will automatically be moving
in equal and opposite directions (since they have equal momentum in this
frame). If the photons are formed by the disintegration of a single particle
with a well-defined rest mass, like the neutral pion, the invariant mass of the
photons is equal to rest mass of the pion. In this case, the center of mass
frame for the pion is just the frame where the pion is at rest, and the center
of mass does not change after it disintegrates into two photons. After the two
photons are formed, their center of mass is still moving the same way the pion
did, and their total energy in this frame adds up to the mass energy of the
pion. Thus, by calculating the invariant mass of pairs of photons in a particle
detector, pairs can be identified that were probably produced by pion
A similar calculation illustrates that the
invariant mass of systems is conserved, even when massive particles (particles
with rest mass) within the system are converted to massless particles (such as
photons). In such cases, the photons contribute invariant mass to the system,
even though they individually have no invariant mass or rest mass. Thus, an
electron and positron (each of which has rest mass) may undergo annihilation
with each other to produce two photons, each of which is massless (has no rest
mass). However, in such circumstances, no system mass is lost. Instead, the
system of both photons moving away from each other has an invariant mass, which
acts like a rest mass for any system in which the photons are trapped, or that
can be weighed. Thus, not only the quantity of relativistic mass, but also the
quantity of invariant mass does not change in transformations between
"matter" (electrons and positrons) and energy (photons).
Relation to gravity
In physics, there are two distinct concepts of mass: the gravitational
mass and the inertial mass. The gravitational mass is the quantity that
determines the strength of the gravitational field generated by an object, as
well as the gravitational force acting on the object when it is immersed in a
gravitational field produced by other bodies. The inertial mass, on the other
hand, quantifies how much an object accelerates if a given force is applied to
it. The mass–energy equivalence in special relativity refers to the inertial
mass. However, already in the context of Newton gravity, the Weak Equivalence
Principle is postulated: the gravitational and the inertial mass of every
object are the same. Thus, the mass–energy equivalence, combined with the Weak
Equivalence Principle, results in the prediction that all forms of energy
contribute to the gravitational field generated by an object. This observation
is one of the pillars of the general theory of relativity.
The above prediction, that all forms of
energy interact gravitationally, has been subject to experimental tests. The
first observation testing this prediction was made in 1919.[30] During a solar
eclipse, Arthur Eddington observed that the light from stars passing close to
the Sun was bent. The effect is due to the gravitational attraction of light by
the sun. The observation confirmed that the energy carried by light indeed is
equivalent to a gravitational mass. Another seminal experiment, the Pound–Rebka
experiment, was performed in 1960.[31] In this test a beam of light was emitted
from the top of a tower and detected at the bottom. The frequency of the light
detected was higher than the light emitted. This result confirms that the
energy of photons increases when they fall in the gravitational field of the
earth. The energy, and therefore the gravitational mass, of photons is
proportional to their frequency as stated by the Planck's relation.
Consequences for nuclear physics
Task Force One, the world's first nuclear-powered task force.
Enterprise, Long Beach and Bainbridge in formation in the Mediterranean, 18
June 1964. Enterprise crew members are spelling out Einstein's Mass–Energy
Equivalence formula E=mc2 on the flight deck.
Max Planck pointed out that the mass–energy equivalence formula implied
that bound systems would have a mass less than the sum of their constituents,
once the binding energy had been allowed to escape. However, Planck was
thinking about chemical reactions, where the binding energy is too small to
measure. Einstein suggested that radioactive materials such as radium would provide
a test of the theory, but even though a large amount of energy is released per
atom in radium, due to the half-life of the substance (1602 years), only a
small fraction of radium atoms decay over an experimentally measurable period
of time.
Once the nucleus was discovered, experimenters realized that the very
high binding energies of the atomic nuclei should allow calculation of their
binding energies, simply from mass differences. But it was not until the
discovery of the neutron in 1932, and the measurement of the neutron mass that
this calculation could actually be performed (see nuclear binding energy for
example calculation). A little while later, the first transmutation reactions
such as the Cockcroft–Walton experiment: 7Li + p → 2 4He) verified Einstein's
formula to an accuracy of ±0.5%. In 2005, Rainville et al. published a direct
test of the energy-equivalence of mass lost in the binding energy of a neutron
to atoms of particular isotopes of silicon and sulfur, by comparing the mass
lost to the energy of the emitted gamma ray associated with the neutron
capture. The binding mass-loss agreed with the gamma ray energy to a precision
of ±0.00004 %, the most accurate test of E = mc2 to date.
The mass–energy equivalence formula was used in the understanding of
nuclear fission reactions, and implies the great amount of energy that can be
released by a nuclear fission chain reaction, used in both nuclear weapons and
nuclear power. By measuring the mass of different atomic nuclei and subtracting
from that number the total mass of the protons and neutrons as they would weigh
separately, one gets the exact binding energy available in an atomic nucleus.
This is used to calculate the energy released in any nuclear reaction, as the
difference in the total mass of the nuclei that enter and exit the reaction.
fire comes from a chemical
reaction between oxygen For the
combustion reaction to happen, you have to heat the fuel to its ignition
temperature. If you were to light a fire in a microgravity environment, say
onboard the space shuttle, it would form a sphere! Almost all microscopic forms
of life (bacteria, protozoa, etc.) survive by using the energy of sunlight.
Surface temperature
We know that the sun is a sphere of diameter
1,400,000 km, that its outer regions are hot gases, mostly hydrogen and helium,
and that its surface temperature is about 6,000 degrees Celsius (about 11,000
degrees Fahrenheit). Any surface at that temperature will generate heat and
light. The burners of an electric stove or a toaster oven, for example, are not
at 6,000 C., but when they're turned on they are "red hot"; they emit
heat and light and the light is red. If we could raise the temperature to 6,000
C. they would become "white hot", and emit light very much like the
sun's. Similarly, a fire is a region of gases at a temperature high enough to
generate heat and light. So the question becomes not so much why is there heat
and light, but where does the energy come from to keep the surface temperature
of the sun at 6,000 degrees? Since we know the sun's mass. The mass is
calculated using the law of universal gravitation, and the known orbits of the
planets. Assuming the mass is all something like carbon, one can calculate the
sun's lifetime to be about 50,000 years. Any chemical burning will lead to a
lifetime in that general range. About 1850, the physicist Hermann von Helmholtz
proposed that the source of the sun's energy could be gravitation - that is,
the universal gravitational force that every piece of the sun exerts on every
other piece. We can see that gravity can produce energy by just thinking of
releasing an object, say a baseball, and letting it fall to the ground. Energy
of motion (kinetic energy) is produced, as the ball accelerates downward. If we
think of the sun as a huge sphere of gases, each atom in the gas feels a net
attraction to the center of the sphere, and so all the atoms have a tendency to
"fall" in toward the center. As this happens they collide with other
atoms, and so their motion is energetic, but randomized. Rapid random motion of
atoms in a gas means higher temperatures. But this type of kinetic energy
arrives from a material analogy of matter not space. Energy is generated when
this reaction occurs because the total mass of the particles on the right side
is less than that on the left side. This shows how the universe's motion might
act as a generating source that keeps energy combustion. The model we have for
the origin of the sun is a cloud of hydrogen gas that begins to collapse under
its own self-gravitation (as in the thinking of Helmholtz), and begins to get
hot. Although this cannot be the mechanism for the sun's generating energy for
billions of years, it can be a triggering or ignition mechanism: It initiates
the nuclear reactions. (You will remember that nuclear reactions can only occur
if the nuclear particles are moving at high speeds.)
These processes continue in the center of the
cloud, bringing the temperature up to around 10,000,000 degrees. At this
temperature the sun reaches equilibrium, where outward pressure from these
"burning" gases balances the gravitational force pulling the matter
inward. When we think about gravitational as an attraction force we discover
this attraction only acts to keep the matter attached together and not as a
force for gravitational free fall theory.
Earth’s atmosphere is continually
bombarded by particles called cosmic rays; they are essentially protons
traveling at high speeds. The mass of a proton is about 100 trillion trillion
times smaller than the mass of your average baseball size mass yet these small
particles travel so fast they have the same kinetic energy as a baseball thrown
of earth. Kinetic energy can transfer from one object to another if they
collide. Kinetic energy cam also be converted into potential energy. Throwing a
ball straight up into the air when it leaves your hand as the ball gets higher
and higher it potential energy increases at the same time the ball is slowing
down so its kinetic energy decreases. At
the balls highest point of height at the instance the ball comes to a stop and
begins to fall downwards again the ball has no kinetic energy. All its kinetic
energy was converted into potential energy and the ball can travel no higher.
Kinetic energy has to do with how
much force is applied to objects acceleration - it is this action of force that
forms the kinetic energy. Moving objects have a type of energy called kinetic
energy. The more kinetic energy something has, the faster it moves. When
objects slow down, their kinetic energy is converted into another type of
energy, such as heat or sound. Objects at rest have no kinetic energy. Kinetic
energy is often produced when objects release their potential energy.
We view the universe as an
expanding bubble meaning that the area inside that bubble can act as a
potential pressure and volume. Depending on the debris contents this potential
energy can be converted into kinetic energy known as gravity waves.
Potential energy is a form of
energy that something has in virtue of occupying a certain position in space
(gravitational potential energy. This potential energy can cause space to curve
forming the kinetic space wave the pushing between the molecules composing the
fluid space. Light can produce fire when
combined with a fluid oxygen or virtual cold empty space.
When referring to the universe as
a celestial star the density field it retains is an analogue into a frozen
sphere which interior thermodynamics are shut down. The embryus having entered
through the fabric texture from the other side started through a small peak
hole one like we observe at the center of galaxies today thought as black
holes. These dark celestial eggs aboard though the fabric of space itself and
explode into a brilliant light that becomes infused by the presence of a vast
terrain of infinite cold empty space chemistry. The beginning celestial sphere
called the universe started in the same process but at a larger scale. It
formed into a darken black star concealed by cosmic cold hydrogen liquid the
cold vapors of empty space are made of.
B-mode polarization is
polarization signals in the cosmic microwave background radiation are the
earliest evidence of field energy detectable. This discovery may help test
theories on the origin of the universe. The dark star universe theory invites
the theory that openings from the other side of the deep space fabric density
of space may be the hiding place for celestial deities that exist today. As a
universe singularity we can observe the universe as a single celestial dark
star that has been frozen shut by the infinite cold space terrain of infinite
space. Its hot infrared deity slowly shut closed by a vacuum crush or
bombardment of extremely cold radiation vapors embedded in the space grid
itself and that has acted as a fusion against opposing elements like a boiling
hot celestial entre into empty space. Cosmic background radiation accrued
during the entire period as the molded boiling heated celestial star became
frozen yet still forming a deeply engraved gravity well on the other side.
After the first episode of the first universe singularity other smaller black
peek hole portal entrées haven forming the smaller galaxies called little bangs
throughout the dark star singular gravity well singularity. Deepen weighed inside
deep space its event horizon opening at its top formed through its admission
forever allowing a field space for expansion shown as a deep deep hole in the
Even though The Quanta Physics
Theory shows evidence to the existence of swirling black hole theory developed
in 1916 by Albert Einstein it comes to reason that these black holes at optical
that objects would fall down into and never escape rather than illustrate for
the building blocks of a unique universe like this one. In my earlier book called
“The Celestial Nature of the Gravity “ I illustrate how the shooting gun acted
to explain black hole dark star analogy about these dark round objects abroad
an infinite terrain of galaxies in space. Dark Stars black holes the shooting
gun illustrates how matter formed from an explosion of a portaling cosmic egg
objective and not the vanishing point of falling stars or crushing planets. As
a high powering shooting gun point of view what’s left over in a deeply cold
sea of empty space that measure infinite in liquid mass an act of
reverse-inflation opens the door to a universe assuming the subtle calm of
Dirac’s sea raising gravity waves in a limitless vacuum realm. The stretching
of the space fabric tension does not have to be an admission slow drag of an
active explosion but can also come from a sweeping inward of the space fabric
creating a celestial sphere tension and pressure around it. This in turn
illustrating the formation of a deepen gravity well surrounding an infinite
terrain of finite space as our universe.
From the perspective of an Earthling, outer
space is a zone that occurs about 100 kilometers (60 miles) above the planet,
where there is no appreciable air to breathe or to scatter light. In that area,
blue gives way to black because oxygen molecules are not in enough abundance to
make the sky blue.
Further, space is a vacuum,
meaning that sound cannot carry because molecules are not close enough together
to transmit sound between them. So if Einstein believed that because sound
waves existed in earth’s atmosphere that light might as well be a barrier also
he was wrong.
No one knows exactly how big
space is. The difficulty arises because of what we can see in our detectors. We
measure long distances in space in "light-years," representing the
distance it takes for light to travel in a year (roughly 5.8 trillion miles, or
9.3 trillion kilometers).
Often galaxies have supermassive
black holes embedded in the center of their galaxies, which are only visible
through the radiation that each black hole emanates as well as through its
gravitational interactions with other objects. If the black hole is
particularly active, with a lot of material falling into it, it produces
immense amounts of radiation. This kind of a galactic object is called a quasar
(just one of several types of similar objects.)
Smaller black holes can also form
from the gravitational collapse of a gigantic star, which forms a singularity
from which nothing can escape — not even light, hence the name of the object.
Once believed to be theoretical objects, scientists have found evidence of
black holes in the universe. No one is quite sure what lies within a black
hole, or what would happen to a person or object who fell into it.
Common sense tells us that space
and time are fundamentally separate things. We experience space as a 3-D arena
in which our bodies move, and we mark time with ticking clocks and the aging of
our bodies. But Albert Einstein’s groundbreaking theory of special relativity
shows that space and time are actually linked in a 4-D realm called spacetime.
Here, explore the logic behind Einstein’s astounding insight, and play with a
simulation that shows how traveling near the speed of light changes your
experience of the flow of time and the fabric of space.
Einstein realized that if the speed of light
never changes, then two people moving at tremendous speeds relative to each
other will experience TIME differently.
Even more amazing, the constant speed of light
means that space also changes for observers moving relative to each other.
Quanta Physics: Time Travel and time Dilation seem to be a
scenario of the past. When people talk about time travel they think about
travel back to the past or forwards into the future. But no one knows how? We
talk about time travel but the question is asked how do you do that? As a
physicists and author on this subject I have concluded two mean things about
time and time travel. One is that to change time on a universal scale called
the arrow of time one has to rely on what is called inertia. Inertia is the
force that contradicts motion continuity meaning that something traveling in a
straight line will continue to travel straight unless some other exterior force
acts on its momentum. In time travel the main frame of the idea is to travel to
a different time and thus place. Traveling at any speed in space shows that
traveling at any special velocity only means that you’re going to get to your
destination quickly.
On earth we have what is called
gravity. It is different from space gravity which is the push and shoving of
dark empty space substance called the fabric planets lay on. No! On earth
gravity acts to contradict the motion and velocity of a moving object it takes
this type of opposition to travel the planets history. Because of inertia a
vessel traveling at a speed of 186,000 m/s actually travels at 92,000 m/s and
that’s because of gravity. Gravity slows the vessel down thus slowing the time
it takes to get to where it’s going. But what it does also is - puts pressure
on the digital ticking of the planets motion time units. The harder the vessel
pushes against the speed of light calculated against the force of gravity the
slower the planets time units tick along - they actually change and get slower.
But let’s say you want to travel
into the future not the past earth history you want to see what the future
holds. Well that’s a little harder. To travel into the future you have to
increase the earths planetary clock unity and count and cause they to slow
down. Traveling into the earths past means traveling against earth gravity time
units by traveling faster than the pull of gravity to slow earth time down and
become slower allowing you to travel into the past.
traveling into the future - the vessel
has to travel faster than earth potential 9,8 meters a second gravity units and
override earth’s gravity meters per second depending on how much faster your vessel
can travel faster than these special gravity meters will depend on how farther
in the future you can travel into its future.
The problem with time travel
theory is the vast distance and velocity a vessel travels to achieve this
goal. Time doesn’t slow down or speed up
until one reaches close to the speed of light according to Einstein. Units of
gravity might seem easy enough when you measure it by their ordinary unity 9.8
meter a second. To reach any of these points of direction in time travel you
have to coordinate the exact gravity mass planetary weight of the earth that
make gravity free fall measure 9.8 meters a second. Each planet is different.
Each mass of that planet is different. If the gravity free fall measurement on
earth reads 9.8 meters a second its because its position in space and its
motion (18.5 M/S) coordinate its gravity force to be 9.8 meters a second. The
rotation of the earth reads 18.5 miles a second. The weight of the earth’s mass
and force of inertia or gravity that acts on weighed objects or vessels weight
must correspond and equal with the formula of its gravity force. (9.8m/s).
Once these equations are established a vessel
can calculate a velocity a vessel has to travel to equal the earth’s force of
gravity relative to the planets weight mass and time cycle. The problem that a
ship trying to travel through earth’s history can’t do it traveling within its
atmosphere area is too small. The vessel would have to travel in space and the
distance at approaching light speeds is still very very far away from the
history point earth. Traveling at close to light speed doesn’t calculate the
formula for earth’s history past or future. Speed by itself in outer space
retains no drag or inertia effects on or in the vessel. The down drive of a
ship traveling at superluminal velocities greater than light speed occur
because technology cannot determine the down drag limitation of the empty space
vacuum. Space is a vacuum because everything is attracted to planetary body celestials
making an empty highway at the peak center between celestial spheres planets
and or galaxies.
Each planetary or galactic body
stretches space downwards into a deep impression of the celestial body. Above
and around all these celestial spheres throughout the universe exist what is
open empty space a free highway of emptiness with nothing in the way. The
weight of the vessel is weightless because no energy gravity or attraction
exist in space gravity is a pushing away force due to the vacuum and expansion
of the universe itself away from a centralized entity possibly what I believe
is a very dense dark star like the same ones laying at the center of all
observable galaxies.
Time travel sounds almost
impossible doesn’t it? The distance to far the geography too large the real
question is - how deep is the vacuum"? How much tension will it endure?
The existence of dark stars or black holes illustrates the fact that the space
fabric cannot be penetrated. If it could great celestials might have already
fallen through it to the other side. Is there another side of the fabric - if
space curves and stretches and retains a tension measurement than something is
keeping matter on this side afloat space?
Quanta Physics Theory doesn’t say
that time travel is impossible but it does implicate the obstacles to do
it. Light is a measurement of a massless
particle called a photon yet neutrinos travel faster and have no mass so how
can today’s physicists say light speed is constant? I don’t think they
can. At least there is a different and
unique measurement for time travel possibilities to be discovered. What
deciphers the force of gravity to measure 9.8meters a second a second is the
time table to travel earth’s history. Time dilation does not exist in space. Time
does not exist in space only that it can be coordinated from some other area
planet civilization clock. Time is universal meaning that there should if not
exist a coordinate time table which includes all the planets, stars and
galaxies in motion as a universe as a whole. If that is the speed of light so
be it but observe this last questioning. Stretching a string from the center of
a three dimensional ball oval or round to its outer edge - movement of the
string at any so much and small or large distance pulling the string held at
the circles center depending on how big the circle is any fraction of movement
of the string at the circles outer edge so tiny or what seems long units
smaller than Planck time exist. Allowing each movement of the string around the
universes outer edge line even a fraction of a Planck unit may exist a distance
much greater than the distance of a light year in a fraction of a second.
The Hyper Black Star Spawn
Rodney Kawecki 2014
At the point of no return for anything
that falls in — is a spherical surface. In a higher-dimensional universe, a
black hole could have a three-dimensional event horizon, which could spawn a
whole new universe as it forms.
It could be time to bid the Big Bang
bye-bye. Cosmologists have speculated that the Universe formed from the debris
ejected when a four-dimensional star collapsed into a black hole — a scenario
that would help to explain why the cosmos seems to be so uniform in all
The standard Big Bang model tells us that
the Universe exploded out of an infinitely dense point, or singularity. But
nobody knows what would have triggered this outburst: the known laws of physics
cannot tell us what happened at that moment.
Temperature equilibrium hyper-active time
whence haven in the birth of the cosmos the Universe had an almost completely
uniform temperature incarnation unknown by any single living creature in its
dominion Our Universe, a black hole is bounded by a spherical surface in
ordinary three-dimensional space it takes a two-dimensional object (surface) to
create a boundary inside a collapsed dominion space bubble. In the bulk
universe the event of a 4D black bubble would be a 3D object — a shape called a
hyper sphere modeled as a dark 4D star, they find that ejected material
erupting from an invisible dark star would form a 3D brane surrounded by a 3D
event horizon slowly expanding in the amidst of time. Relic radiation that
carries imprints of the Universe’s early moments. The observed patterns match
predictions made by the standard model and inflation that inversely explains a
window in space which allows to a introcosmologic model of debris mysteriously
finding its presence as a the cosmic seed that universes appear from.
Despite the mismatch, the Big
Bang model singularity is the most fundamental problem in cosmology and they
have rewritten history so that we never encountered it”. The Planck results
“prove that inflation is correct” it explains the realistic logic that the
universe grew from a smaller deity of composed matter into an infinitely
gigantic planetestial model we know as the universe. The problem about modern physics theoretical
logic is that the whereabouts the matter arises from is still a mystery.
In Quanta Physics Theory Rodney Kawecki has
developed a logical model of a universe which obeys all the laws of physics but
also introduces a new complicity about faster than light velocity space travel. What Quanta Physics Theory also does allows a
balance in logic that explains the existence of the universe under the same
intermediate logic and theoretical guidelines that the more common existing
galactic bodies in the universe are explained with. Inflation occurs in Quanta physics’ logic
when it tries to explain a development of the universe from its birth and
process of activity that it involves.
Something and everything come from
somewhere but in the mystery of our universe and even the life that exist from
it the evolutionary period of an invisible darken star may retain the answers.
Clocked by nature in dark space even though the standard model persist that
even the darken shadows of space itself were all born all at once in the once
singularity of the big bang event logic might allow us to expand and enlighten
the transformation about our universe and its birth not only by multiple
universe logic but also the foundation of an endless dark space field mass
acting as the place for all existing activity to occur with. In Quanta Physics Theory we call this “The
Dark Star Universe Theory” from which everything that may have been hid from
mankind observation may act as its threshold.
Engraved in a gravity well in the same manner as all other plantanic
bodies are impressed in our four dimensional universe retains all the
fundamental properties that presently appear amidst a darken 3D celestial body.
It generates allusive deeply impressed matter burst from out of its dense body
due to resistance tensioned by it being trapped in a deep gravity well with no
escape that rotates physically reforming celestial galaxies, nebulas, cluster
and stars that lay impressed and trapped also in its gravity well creating the
weight of formulated planetary bodies at galactic scales to lay embedded and
impressed in the dark stars extremely rigid outer black atmosphere rigid fabric
from the dark stars natural chemistry bending, curving and stretching the
trapped planetary atoms celestial orbiting around the dark stars celestial body
as it twists and turns bound by inflating molecular pressure inside the
retained space.
Do other dark star universe’s exist
amongst our infinite terrain of empty space. And lastly wouldn’t it be likely
that in accordance with the big bang theory wouldn’t the development of its
explosion reform the existence of a vacuum space field if all was the creation
of a single bubble universe singularity?
We can suggest that our universe is like
many others out there and like any other universe that might exist out there
has given birth to many galaxies stars and planets over time. But if this analogy
is correct and the universe is what gives planets and galaxies birth than if we
follow the same spectrum our universe like many others that might exist out
there are doing the same. Dose our universe arrive from a primeval atom for its
source or does it arrive from a greater celestial? If so then this greater
celestial must be very large very large indeed. It’s what has given birth to
multiple galaxies that stars and planets have evolved from. When we look at the
specific’s we discover that the line of origin of our galaxies and stars all
come simultaneously from the greater deity down to the smallest deity or star
and not the opposite. Not from the smaller to the larger as physics explains
today. This is the reason I have written this book on dark stars. On the dark
side of the spectrum dark stars seem to have been born in the earliest origin
of our universes time spectrum but we only observe that which has come out from
within it. We see the development of the galaxies and stars brought forth and
don’t seem to be able to observe any origin of its beginning. The closest we
observe to a galactic birth is a dark star or is the dark star just an
inhabitant of a greater celestial we call the universe?
The Dark Star Universe arrives from the
idea that celestials come from a greater existence. One invisible to the naked
eye and hides within the centre of its creator yet gives birth to galaxies and
stars that reside all around it. The Dark Star Universe is one of these deities
we cannot observe because it is the observable birth place of everything that
exist in the observable universe in which we reside in as well. When we
research the facts that lay behind celestial gravity wells we discover that a
gravity well exist due to the presence of a large celestial amidst its
entangling walls so when we research for answers about our universes origin we
discover what is put right in the front of us and not what is behind us. We
observe a universe of expansion and pushes towards the outer walls of its
gravity well in a universe that has loss sight of its beginning centre point.
Our sights are pointed towards the universes future when we are looking for its
origin beginning. We observe time in light year terminology and see the past as
we look at planets through a microscope. It takes eight minutes for light rays
to hit earth so dwell in the universes past trying to see the future of things.
Galaxies lay all around the Celestial
Universe darken space while its mass size causes it to spin trying to push it
out from within the walls gravity has hold of it with the universe’s event
horizon lays across the top of the dark star’s bottom as an opening from where
it entered through a fabric passage way seeking light and energy for its birth
but discovered only a cold vacuum that inversely assumed it melting it frozen.
Bursting of energy sometimes pass through its gravity frozen dark atmosphere
outwards passing through its escape origin velocity and burst outside its
atmosphere. Nebulas, Clusters and galaxies of gaseous and oxygenetic type swirl
around the dark celestial universe after their busted energy laid outside a too
dense atmosphere where they gained freedom outside in a less cold vacuum of
empty space but still lurking inside the universe’s gravity walls of fate.
more and more gigantic galactic cosmic egonic embyrus openly explode forming
more galaxies amidst outside an inner universe dominion the fate of the
galaxies in motion orbitration and lance of cluttering galactic bodies without
positive uniformity cause the galactic bodies to shadow around the inner
celestial universe pushed away more and more space expands towards the upper
treads of the universe’s celestial’s
walls where closest to the frozen universe inside lays the most earliest dense
galactic bodies of celestial energies causing the older galaxies farther away
to separate more and more.
Physicists look for the origin of our
universe trying to observe its outer edges rather than its allusive younger
center. the age of the universe to be approximately 13.8 billion years old.
Because of the connection between distance and the speed of light, this means
they can look at a region of space that lies 13.8 billion light-years away.
Like a ship in the empty ocean, astronomers on Earth can turn their telescopes
to peer 13.8 billion light-years in every direction, which puts Earth inside of
an observable sphere with a radius of 13.8 billion light-years. The word
"observable" is key; the sphere limits what scientists can see but
not what is there.
But though the sphere appears almost 28
billion light-years in diameter, it is far larger. Scientists know that the
universe is expanding. Thus, while scientists might see a spot that lay 13.8
billion light-years from Earth at the time of the Big Bang, the universe has
continued to expand over its lifetime. Today, that same spot is 46 billion
light-years away, making the diameter of the observable universe a sphere
around 92 billion light-years. There’s a lot of empty space between us and this
nearest star. If you imagine Earth as a grain of sand, then Alpha Centauri
would be over 10 kilometers – or about 6 miles – away.
far is a light-year? A light year is the distance it would take a ship capable
of traveling at the speed of light to travel in miles (186,000 miles a second)
in a single year.
Of course, in actual fact, Alpha Centauri
is trillions of miles away from Earth. Its distance of 4.3 light-years equals
25.6 trillion miles away – nearly 300,000 times the distance from the Earth to
the sun. The galaxy MACS0647-JD (inset) appears the youngest galaxy away from
us and is only a fraction of the size of our own Milky Way. The galaxy is about
13.3 billion light-years from Earth, the farthest galaxy yet known but how far is
our galaxy from the universe’s oldest origin if its youngest is about 13.3
billion light-years from us here on Earth?
When we try and age the universe it’s my
belief that the numbers are too small. Since the universe rotates in a
continuous orbit a spacecraft would travel side to side to journey its origin.
They would be wise to travel the universe’s drift velocity as the galaxies
twist and separates by expansion. If we look at the universe as a celestious
star frozen at its beginnings but allowed to let go of its decay that make up
the galaxies we can observe the character of the early universe as being much
older that as it expands so does everything spacious with it. As the galaxies
lay enbrightened by cosmic-energy in a densious empty space field that
continues to allow planetary life expectancies’ to gather around it the end of
its origin doesn’t come anyway but an exotic array of cosmic spectrum and
colours. Its dense center if to collapse due to over driven loss of its hot
boiling energy magna creating galactic births the fragile outer rim expansion
velocity would reverse and a special velocity of the galactic bodied would
become centered towards the inner central vortex.
The Dark Star’ Universe collapse would
start the beginning of an expansion reversal recycling of the galactic bodies
already in a classical orbit. After that it would only be a matter of time
prediction when the clock runs out.
Elements of Repulsive Universe Gravity
The Universe is commonly defined as the totality
of existence, including planets, stars, and galaxies, the contents of
intergalactic space, and all matter and energy. Similar terms include the
cosmos, the world and nature. The observable universe is about 46 billion light
years in radius. Scientific observation of the Universe has led to inferences
of its earlier stages. These observations suggest that the Universe has been
governed by the same physical laws and constants throughout most of its extent
and history. The Big Bang theory is the prevailing cosmological model that
describes the early development of the Universe, which is calculated to have
begun 13.798 ± 0.037 billion years ago. Observations have shown that the
Universe appears to be expanding at an accelerating rate. There are many competing theories about the
ultimate fate of the universe. Physicists remain unsure about what, if anything
preceded the Big Bang. Many refuse to speculate, doubting that any information
from any such prior state could ever be accessible. There are various
multiverse hypotheses, in which physicists have suggested that the Universe
might be one among many universes that likewise exist.
Two positively charged wires set a part
across from each other. Where the power of both wires is turned off – one wire
is connected to the other and the energy will pass through both wires to a
single end and that end will have electrical current. If the same two wires similar
in positive electricity are separated as in the first paragraph I explained to
you are touched at their ends – what will happen? There will be a spark. The
two wires do not attract as relativity theory persist they spark proving
resistance to each other. Planetary celestials are all similar planetary
objects thus it would stand to reason that they would naturally repel but
unlike Isaac Newton’s theory on gravity they attract each other. The theories
you will soon engage into and read explains gravity in the opposing trait and
are projected with the affirmative theory that like particles and energies
repel and do not attract. This new theory discovered by Rodney Kawecki was a lifelong
research about space, time gravity and the velocity of light which Kawecki
persist that a mass without reference that ‘light’ travels at a consistent
velocity that relativity perceives as a speed limit but more so that ‘mass’ can
travel faster than light based on the capacity of its proportion value to do
so. Unlike a light beam which Albert Einstein perceives as a spacecraft – he
limited the velocity of travel on a light value rather than using a ‘mass’
determination. ‘Light’ is not a very good example that explains the proportion
capacity of a material mass spacecraft –
more so it is just a beam of light and not a maneuverable ship traveling
through the cosmos. Kawecki has developed a new theory on gravity that explains
the ability not only to travel faster than the Einstein Light Beam but also the
value and activity of gravity in space but also the gravity realm that sustains
a planet, star or galaxy.
Two similar magnetics like energy or
electricity repel because they are similar the same. Unlike poles attract. Isaac
Newton in 1667 and Albert Einstein 1904 agreed over this dialogue that like matter attract and based their theories
on it. Newton said ‘gravity’ attracts. Einstein said energy attracts
(energy-masses) star energy and the celestial like. Modern physics tells us
like energetic materials don’t attract but repel so the question is asked “Who
is right”? Quanta Physics and the developer of this new insight and theory
about earth gravity and space travel asserts the opposing model that like energies repel and do not attract
as earlier physicists foretell. The indifferences in free fall in a spheres atmosphere
are measured by the specific twist and velocity of the earth’s rotation. A
small object size-mass may curve as it falls but is directed by the planets
invisible atmosphere pressure the planet weaves and layers as it spins at 18.5
miles each
second and that minimizes how fast an object will fall at 9.8 meters
per second. The force of gravity is
universal. It is the greatest distance between celestial body’s throughout
space and the shortest distance between molecular spins whose nucleus acts by a
divine nature scientist yet know a lot about. Gravity is the shortest area by
which a planet lays upon a dark element that lays between all material entities
throughout the universe. It acts in
proportion with the celestial sphere’s size mass and calculates the distance
between the stars, planets and galaxies across the cosmos that lay upon this
dark element that stretches, curves, bends and clumps around them. This dark element is the only substance yet not
detectable by any scientific means to define it but of which the earliest
physicists call ‘Gravity”. Gravity acts
in tune with our universe’s angular motion impressing in it gigantic celestials
created as matter manifested by what we call the Big Bang. As the celestial
sphere’s, stars and galaxy’s orbit and rotate with a universe momentum a loitering
dark fabric acts in absorbing the pushing against the universe movement cycle. Aside from being a motionless, undetectable useable
substance that is only observable by the activity it resends. The Fifth Element
exists only as an active rippling grid because of the planetary activity that
resides within it. It is the actions of
the planetary cycles that make the fabric element respond.
Between molecular orbits and sparticle
movements at the atomic level of things this fabric sits as a zero point energy
action ground and resistance substance. It’s
the empty space between energy particles and keeps the molecular structure
entangled between the formal responding deities. Inside the universe its galaxy’s
solar star systems lay separated from star-dominion
that would otherwise cause them to collapse inward towards the central-dominion
body but are pushed away due to the great spin of the universe’s outer edge. The
dark disk swirls yet the length of the universe is 27 billion years across
rotating at light velocity in a circular motion. Using deciphers age mathematics
the swirl or rotation of our universe makes up the distance of 27 billion years
from edge to edge across not 13.5 billion years measured by some physicists from
a specific single point of origin in space and or age as modern day physicists’
today omen probability of arriving from nothingness.